Ultimate Fiddle Leaf Fig Care Bundle | African Violet Resource Center

Ultimate Fiddle Leaf Fig Care Bundle


  • Fiddle leaf fig plants need specific nutrients for growth, health, and strong root systems. The original Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant Food is specially formulated to provide optimal nutrition with no risk of burning your plant.
  • Created to provide well-draining soil using organic aged bark, coco coir, and perlite to maintain an optimal balance of water and air.
  • Understand your plants and what they need most with this soil moisture meter from Houseplant Resource Center. Instantly reveal moisture, pH and light levels so you can give your houseplants exactly the nutrition and attention that it craves.
  • Leaf Armor Spray cleans and protects your plant from fungus, bacteria, and insects.
  • Root Supplement helps treat and prevent fungal and bacterial root infections within the first 24 hours.
SKU: N2-BP3F-12WJ Category:

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